The Longman Academic Writing Series Level 3-Introduction to Academic Writing 3rd Edition

Discussion in 'English for Skills' started by admin, Aug 8, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Thư Viện Sách Việt Staff Member Quản Trị Viên

    Introduction to Academic Writing, Third Edition, is an intermediate writing textbook/ workbook for English language learners in academic settings. Tt teaches rhetoric and sentence structure in a straightforward manner, using a step-by-step approach, high-interest models, and varied practices. Students are guided through the writing process to produce well-organized, adequately developed paragraphs and essays. Explanations are simple, and numerous practices help students assimilate each skill.
    The book contains ten chapters: Chapters 1-8 teach paragraphs, and Chapters 9 and 1 0 introduce the essay. Most chapters also teach sentence structure, starting with simple sentences and progressing through compound and complex sentences. The chapters also include instruction i n the writing process and punctuation.

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