Systematic Word Study for Grade 1

Discussion in 'English for Kids' started by thinganbui, May 21, 2017.

  1. thinganbui

    thinganbui Guest

    Of all the years that comprise a child’s educational career, first grade may be the most magical one of all. It is the year that children may be most eager to learn, the year that they are most curious about everything in the world around them, and the year they grow by leaps and bounds socially, emotionally, and academically, especially in language and literacy. Entering first grade with limited reading and writing skills and varying experiences with books, six-year-olds grow exponentially as they are exposed to the most basic literacy concepts. What they hear, what we read to them, what we write for them, what they attempt to read and write, and the word-rich environments we create in our classrooms and schools combine to transform these children. Wise teachers carefully structure their day to foster literacy growth, infusing literacy learning into every experience. As we peek into a classroom, we’ll get a taste of this thoughtful planning that reaps great literacy rewards.
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