ABC Pronunciary, an interactive CD-ROM, teaches pronunciation of the English alphabet in a logical, straightforward manner. Vowels, consonants, digraphs, blends and silent letters are presented clearly. There are 51 phonic sounds detailed, each containing a full description of the mouth, color photos, bright illustrations and word examples. In addition, contrasts and practice sentences are included for reinforcement. The key advantage of the interactive CD-ROM format is that students can see, hear and read how sounds are actually pronounced. It is aimed at beginning-to-intermediate English-learners but can benefit all who wish to improve their speaking abilities. ABC Pronunciary promotes effective communication. Paperback: 113 pages Publisher: Vocalis Ltd.; first edition (June 6, 1998) Language: English ISBN-10: 096657432X ISBN-13: 978-0966574326 Package Dimensions: 4.7 x 3.9 x 0.1 inches Format: PDF+MP3 Link download