New Ways In Teaching Grammar

Discussion in 'English for Teachers' started by nhandang123, Dec 15, 2021.

  1. nhandang123

    nhandang123 Guest

    This book includes 85 ideas for the teaching of grammar submitted by English teachers from 10 countries in Asia, Europe, North America, and South America. The contributions have been divided into 10 major sections that include specific aspects of grammar such as noun phrases and modal verbs, as well as grammar topics at the discourse level, such as question- and-answer patterns and activities for editing and revising written texts. One of the major sections contains general purpose activities that can be applied broadly in different areas of grammar. Cross reference is also made in the Users’ Guide to Activities to activities in other sections that are relevant to the topic of a particular section. In addition, with a little imagina¬ tion, many of the activities of this book can be adapted for areas of grammar other than those they were intended to practice.
    • Publisher : TESOL (1 January 1995)
    • Language: English
    • Paperback, 256 pages
    • ISBN-10: 0939791560
    • ISBN-13: 978-0939791569
    • Article Weight: 15.2 ounces
    • Dimensions: 8 x 8 inches x 0.75
    Link download

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