Grammar For Teachers: Perspectives And Definitions

Discussion in 'English for Teachers' started by nhandang123, Dec 25, 2021.

  1. nhandang123

    nhandang123 Guest

    This book is intended for preservice and inservice teachers at all levels. It should be especially useful in English education classes, provided it is seen as a foundation rather than as a complete self-teaching text. The book is in two separable parts. The first part discusses the nature of the language processes and shows some of the ways teachers can put their own knowledge of grammar to use in helping students become better readers and writers. The second part is essentially a grammar handbook, a discussion of the structure of English as approached from three different points of view. Those with little grammar background might prefer to study the grammar handbook first, particularly the section on “Comparing Grammars.”
    • Publisher : Urbana, Ill. : National Council of Teachers of English
    • Publication date : 1979
    • Language : English
    • Paperback : 180 pages
    • ISBN-10 : 0814118763
    • ISBN-13 : 9780814118764
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